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My Sport Web: User
It's Monday,
December 2nd, 2024
User not logged in!
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This section is where Users maintain their profile. You must be a registered user and logged in to access your profile. Currently you're not logged in. Use the navigational  buttons in the left-hand column, or tab  controls above to navigate to an active page.
Note: For security purposes this website uses session management  and will automatically log out a user after a period of inactivity. If you believe that you reached this message in error please notify using our Contact Us page.
 User ID
First Name
Last Name
Email Address

Dec 2023... New Feature!
Activate NFL Statistics Grid?
Users who participate in Football Pools may appreciate access to NFL Team Statistics, which are compiled throughout the season on MySportWeb, and available by request. Choose 'Yes' to activate access, or 'No' to deactivate. By default this option is not activated; users must opt-in.

The optional information that you supply here will help speed you through certain operations on MySportWeb.
Address 1
Primary Phone
Address 2
Home Phone
Other Phone
State / Province (Use 2 digit code for US and Canada)
Zip / Postal Code
Date of Birth (Format: YYYY-MM-DD)

Notes (Optionally, anything you'd like to jot down)

Protecting your User Profile and Password
Use of Password Tip is optional. A Password Tip can help remind you of your password at User Log In. Use caution when choosing your tip.. make sure that others would not be able to guess your password based upon your tip.
Password Tip

Password Reset Question & Answer
For your protection the website of MySportWeb encrypts passwords before storing in our database... therefore, we do not know and cannot recover your forgotten password. By selecting a Question and providing the Answer, you'll be able to reset your password in the event that you forget yours. This is entirely optional but if you don't select a question and provide the answer you will not be able to automatically reset your forgotten password required as of August 2012. Once activated you'll be able to reset your password through the User Log In screen.
[this is a Required Entry]Select a Question, for which you will provide an Answer.
[this is a Required Entry]The Answer to your selected Question, which will allow for resetting of your password.

You are not stuck with your current password. You may change it here by supplying a New Password. Enter your new password below, then again in the Confirm New Password field.
New Password
Confirm New Password
[this is a Required Entry]Required when submitting a New Password

You must supply your current Password when updating this User Profile.
[this is a Required Entry]Required when updating your profile.

You must be logged in to Update your profile.
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